Animated GIFs created across the internet are an awesome way to display how complex systems can be built from just simple machines to make our every day goods. After the feedback from our first awesome industrial gifs post, we decided to make another!
Watching the automation processes of industrial machines and food processing equipment can be mezmerizing. While some of these machines seem relatively slow, they are capable or producing a mind-boggling amount of product. The hot dog machine below is moving right along, but it’s hard to comprehend just how many hot dogs are running through it. Especially since Americans consume over 7 billion hot dogs each summer. I reccommend checking out all these animated GIFs in all their automated glory.
Hot Dog Food Processing Equipment
Sriracha Industrial Processing Equipment
Industrial Pancake Flipper
Jawbreaker Press
Forming Glass Bottles
Industrial Steel Cable Lubrication
How Pretzel Dough is Cut
How are Pop Tarts Made?
(Check out Where Pop Tarts are Made!)
Fortune Cookie Machine
And of Course, How To Get Warehouse Equipment Stuck
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