Hygiene stations significantly reduce the risk of cross-contamination and food poisoning in the food industry. Food hygiene systems that use color-coding such as HACCP are excellent tools, but they can’t be completely relied upon. Perfect hygiene must be accomplished by food handling industries due to each product having strict handling procedures.
Food Poisoning
Food poisoning was the cause of approximately 5,000 deaths and 76 million illnesses in 2012 according to StatisticBrain. Meats, dairy products, and eggs have the highest chances of contamination.That’s why it’s imperative to have outstanding hygiene systems in place.
Data provided by StatisticBrain.com
Food contamination is also the reason for millions in lost revenue for the food industry. Not only will a large contamination cost a company an initial loss, but news coverage will provoke many consumers to boycott a specific brand for a very long time.
How It Works
Industrial hygiene stations are the best way to prevent cross-contamination when paired with an HACCP system. Hygiene stations set up between transition zones and changing rooms have proven to be extremely effective. These stations are designed to be quick, thorough, and extremely easy to operate.
When a worker decides to move from one designated area to another, he just simply walks onto a hygiene station and uses the built-in hand sanitizing system to dispense soap and water onto his hands. Built-in turnstyles unlock when workers have spent enough time washing their hands.
Also built into most hygiene stations is a boot washer. Boot washers come in several different designs to best fit a warehouse’s application. The most popular designs for hygiene stations are: the walk-through design, sole cleaning, and sole + vertical boot cleaners. Each of these designs are very effective at removing bacteria from footwear.
Several sizes of hygiene stations are available for a large variety of warehouses. Multi-entrance hygiene stations are capable of allowing large numbers of employees to pass through with ease. The mixture of soap and water dispensed by the hand sanitizing system is easily adjusted for different uses.
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